Weather in Moscow - Climate and best time to travel
Weather in Moscow

Spring, summer, autumn or winter: learn all about the weather in Moscow so you can decide when to travel and what to pack!

Moscow has a humid continental climate with warm, sometimes hot, summers and long, cold winters

Summer in Moscow

Summers are warm with moderate temperatures: the warmest months are usually June, July and August with average highs of around 24ºC or 75ºF and lows of 13ºC or 55ºF. The summer months are known for their thunderstorms and heavy rainfall though, so don't forget to bring a light rain jacket!

Moscow in winter

Winters (November to March) are bitterly cold and snowy, as hard for locals as they are visitors. Average temperatures range between -3ºC (25ºF) and -9ºC (14ºF), but it has reached as low as -42ºC (-44ºF)! If you don't mind the cold and fancy donning a typically Russian fur hat, you'll find Moscow pleasantly free of other tourists!

When should I visit Moscow?

The city is beautiful and full of charm at any time of year. If you feel the cold, late spring through to autumn are the best time to go for pleasant temperatures and long, light-filled days, whereas if you want the full Russian experience, seeing Moscow under layers of fluffy white snow while wrapped up warm is an unforgettable feeling - just don't forget to pack layers!